Campaign Objective
When the specific goal determined is more concrete, the more energy and positivity it will rise in the supporters.
If a goal set is not measurable, then it is impossible to determine the achieved results or the goals yet to be amended. A party or leader does not set itself/himself measurable goals will never know how realistic its plans are.
Goals sometimes should be visionary, if there is no chance of achieving them, it will surely backfire on you or your organization.
Inspirational Value
People will not get behind any political programs which are not enthusiastic about. The only way to keep faith in yourself is if you are inspired and motivated by the higher goal. So setting your aims too low is also not a good idea.
Message Creation & Development

Well-defined messaging contributes to strong brand identity and trust. It requires to get clear on what’s the vision is. Then translating both vision and values into meaningful, practical messages that will shine through in each voters and improves the mouth publicity. Messaging impacts voter perceptions and, ultimately, voters defends the message with others and own it.

5WH Analysis

5WH analysis is otherwise known as the questioning method, in which, every letter corresponds to a question: What, Who, Why, When, Where and How.

This technique allows you to understand a situation, to discern a problem by analyzing in all the aspects.

Council Recruiting

Council recruiting, also known as a membership drive, is a strategic, concerted effort to get your organization in front of as many prospective members as possible.

Typically, a campaign includes promotion efforts across channels, including digital outreach, email campaign,  recruitment at events, and incentivizing current members to refer new members.


Meetings are which we discuss, debate and take decisions in achieving common goals. Many things can be done in meetings like sharing information, collecting data, forming a coalition, making stratagems, doing negotiations.

  • Stages of meeting
  • Interaction models
Micro Targeting
Booth Level Committee

Team formation

Training and spirit building

Weekly / Monthly Analysis

Booth Level Management

Voters and their analysis

Booth level issues and problems

Electoral Management

Policy Development

Well-defined messaging contributes to strong brand identity and trust. It requires to get clear on what’s the vision is. Then translating both vision and values into meaningful, practical messages that will shine through in each voters and improves the mouth publicity. Messaging impacts voter perceptions and, ultimately, voters defends the message with others and own it.

Fund Raising Programme
Data Based Measurements